Area Structure Plan
Client: Town of Nanton
Adoption Date: October 2022
Location: Town of Nanton, AB
Bluerock’s Role: Project lead; coordination of planning, mapping and engineering; lead policy writing; 3D drawings; and graphic layout and design of ASP document.
Bluerock with McElhanney engineering support is assisting the Town of Nanton to re-imagine the community of Westview as a complete neighbourhood with a greater variety of housing types, more parks, pathways and mixed-use commercial areas.
The Bluerock Planning team inherited the challenge of re-designing Phase 2 of Nanton’s growing community of Westview with a goal for making it more attractive and complete as a neighbourhood. The result was innovative ideas such as a live-work area, garden homes block, mixed-use node and numerous pathways and parks to supplement Nanton’s existing park system.
The ASP was adopted in October 2022. The full document is available here: Nanton Westview Area Structure Plan